David Alecsandru Irimescu – ABSOLUTE WINNER, Piano

David Irimescu is an Italian-Romanian pianist winner of 30 National and International Competitions
and Festivals prizes, as well as Amadeus Factory, the only italian talent-competition dedicated to
classical music and produced by Sky TV in collaboration with the magazine “Amadeus”.
Praised for his early musical maturity and sound care, as well as for his “trascendental pianism” and
“big conquering musical abilities”, David Irimescu has attended masterclasses and lessons held by
internationally renowned musicians, including Gavrailova, Entremont, Achucarro, Béroff, Rana,
Madzar, Delle Vigne-Fabbri, Scalafiotti, Voghera, Plano, Susan Shu-Chen Lin, Chin Chuan Chang, Chi
Wu, Bidini, Fitenko, Pace, Butzberger, Martinez-Mehner, Lipstein, Pisarenko, Durso, Alexander
Gadjiev, Siavush Gadjiev, Miazzon, Schnyder and Noam Sivan for Piano Improvisation.
Already guest of important concert companies, has performed in Europe and USA, receiving always
excellent public as well as critical acclaim. Also active in the chamber music field, he has played in
various ensembles with piano, voice, strings and winds, as well as with orchestras; was selected to
represent as soloist his school (Liceo Cavour from Turin, top marks) with the Italian National Musical
High School Orchestra,as and his Conservatory (Giuseppe Verdi, Turin) opening its musical season
performing Tchaikovsky’s Concerto n. 1, and receiving a special scholarship for the best student from
the piano department.
Has been appointed by the “Cavour” Music High School in Turin as professor of a special piano
course, Conservatory’s entrance-exam oriented, for complimentary piano students.
In 2018, David Irimescu has to stop his musical activities for health problems, and starts studying in
detail physiology of body and movements and the interaction between psyche and physical
inclinations, with the help of disciplines such as Feldenkrais, Taubmann, Posturology, Psychology,
Phenomenology, Mindfulness, Mental Coaching, Kinesiology, Sat Nam Rasayan, Sound therapy, Reiki
and others. While rehabilitating, develops a pure love for teaching and sharing with others the
results of his due research. Focusing on the musician’s well-being, continues to gather and integrate
information, with the objective of spreading knowledge among all interested people and preventing
students from hurting themselves, facilitating instead their personal expression.
In 2023 David starts back giving concerts and graduates from Turin Conservatory under the guidance
of maestro Claudio Voghera with top marks cum laude and special mention of honour, receives the
“Bacewicz International Prize 2023” at the Penderecki Institute in Krakòw and starts a collaboration
with Unione Musicale in Turin. In 2024 he’s awarded a scholarship as best student from the
Conservatory, and is granted a scholarship to attend the University of Georgia (USA) in an
international project, under the class of Alan Woo; thanks to the victory of the Open-Source
scholarship, takes part into the Advanced Piano Course with maestro Enrico Pace at Accademia di
Pinerolo. Futher accomplishments are the entitlement of the Progetto Musica 2024 scholarship
awarded by Gloria Campaner, the admission by Alexander Gadjiev to take part into his festival
“Sconfinamenti” and the Sunrise Prize awarded by Vercellotti and Camerata Ducale.
Serving Music, he is dedicated as a musician to create a sincere musical fruition during concerts and,
as teacher and therapist, to sensibilize people to access more of themselves. He holds Music
Listening seminars and events to bring listeners closer to the emotional and descriptive resources
that lie deep down in them. The mission is to reset the coincidence between music and well-being
through awareness, sensitivity and knowledge.
A video of him performing Mozart’s Sonata k 545, at a piano competition, has gained millions of views, and has also received great attention in the international press. As a small pianist, also as soloist with orchestra, he participated in various cultural and charitable events, musical festivals and events including the Festival Liszt – Grottammare 2023, Civitanova Classica 2024, PianoItalia Festival 2023 at the Conservatory “G. Verdi” from Milan, WPTA Spain 2023 Gala at the Real Conservatorio de Madrid, “Marchigiano of the year – 2024” Award, 250° Fondazione della Guardia di Finanza event – Ancona; “Marche in vetrina 2024”, “Scuola Futura 2024” event Ministry of Education – Archaeological Park of Pompeii, Festival “Cesar Franck” Brussels 2023, Mozarthaus Vienna), as well as television broadcasts on local and national networks (RAI 2 ” Your facts” by invitation of Michele Guardì, Channel 5 “The charge of 100 +1, invited by Piero Chiambretti, RAI 1 invited by Milly Carlucci).
In October 2023 he received the “Music Prize” on the occasion of the prestigious “XXI Premio Giuseppe Sciacca”, whose solemn ceremony was held at the Vatican, at the Pontifical Urbaniana University, where he performed before high ecclesiastical, military and civil authorities.